Railways and Tramways of Australia
Western Australia

View from Hotham Valley Railway train hauled by W920 and W903, between Pinjarra and Dwellingup, 7 October 2009.
Bassendean Railway Museum
Bassendean Railway Museum has a collection of locomotives and rolling stock, mostly from the former Western Australian Government Railways. It also has exhibits from private railways within Western Australia. Locomotives range from 1881 0-6-0 steam locomotive Katie, to X1001, the first mainline diesel locomotive to operate with the Western Australian Government Railways. The museum also has a collection of railway artefacts and photographs. It is open on Wednesdays and Sundays, and is located approximately 10 km north-east of Perth.
Bennett Brook Railway
Bennett Brook Railway is located in Whiteman Park, a large park in north-east Perth, and is operated by the Western Australian Light Railway Preservation Association. The railway operates over 6 km of track and includes three stations. Bennett Brook Railway has locomotives and rolling stock from Western Australia, Queensland and South Africa. Trains operate on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, with daily services during school holidays. Whiteman Park is located approximately 20 km north-east of Perth.
Busselton Jetty Train
The Busselton Jetty Train takes passengers on a 1.7 km journey along Busselton Jetty, the longest wooden jetty in the southern hemisphere. A solar electric locomotive hauls small carriages, with up to 50 passengers being conveyed on each trip. The railway was formerly used to transport cargo. Trains operate daily. Busselton is located approximately 220 km south of Perth.
Carnarvon Heritage Precinct
Carnarvon Heritage Group manages the Carnarvon Heritage Precinct. Attractions include the Railway Station Museum. On display are 0-4-0 tank locomotive Kimberley and other historical exhibits. The Railway Station Museum is open daily. The Railway Station Museum is open daily. The train are not currently operating. Carnarvon is located approximately 910 km north of Perth.
Collie Historical Rail Precinct
Collie Historical Rail Precinct is managed by Collie Heritage and Men’s Shed group.
It has displays regarding railways and the coal industry in the Collie region. The group maintains the former railway goods shed and is restoring items of rolling stock. Located at the site are three former Western Australian Government Railways steam locomotives and a diesel shunting locomotive. The site is open on Mondays and Fridays. Collie is located approximately 200 km south of Perth.
Coolgardie Railway Station Museum
Coolgardie Railway Station Museum is housed within the former railway station building on the now closed narrow gauge railway line between Perth and Kalgoorlie. The museum has a former Western Australian Government Railways Pmr Class steam locomotive, rolling stock and other artefacts. It is open daily except Wednesdays. Coolgardie is located approximately 560 km east of Perth.
Donnybrook Visitor Centre
Donnybrook Visitor Centre is housed within the former Donnybrook Railway station building. It includes a museum with railway photographs and historical items. The centre is open from Mondays to Saturdays. Donnybrook is located approximately 200 km south of Perth.
Esperance Municipal Museum
Esperance Municipal Museum is housed within a former railway goods shed. Railway exhibits include a former Western Australian Government Railways W Class steam locomotive. The museum is open daily. Esperance is located approximately 730 km south-east of Perth.
Hotham Valley Tourist Railway
Hotham Valley Tourist Railway has a collection of over 20 steam and diesel locomotives, as well as heritage rolling stock, mostly from the former Western Australian Government Railways. It operates steam-hauled trains between Dwellingup and Isandra on the former Pinjarra to Dwellingup branch line. Services operate on Sundays from May to October, with additional services during school holidays. Hotham Valley Tourist Railway also operates the Dwellingup Forest Train over 8 km of railway between Dwellingup and Etmilyn. These trains are hauled by diesel locomotives, although steam is used on occasions. Services operate on Saturdays throughout the year, with additional trains on Sundays and public holidays from November to April.
Merredin Railway Museum
Merredin Railway Museum is housed within the old Merredin railway station. It has a collection of railway and other items regarding the Merredin region. Displays include a G class steam locomotive, a diesel electric shunting locomotive, rolling stock, a signal box and photographs. The museum is open from Tuesdays to Sundays. Merredin is located approximately 260 km east of Perth.
Old Northam Railway Station Museum
Old Northam Railway Station Museum is located in the former Northam railway station building on the narrow gauge railway line that closed in 1966. Displays include a former Western Australian Government Railways Pmr Class steam locomotive, rolling stock, photographs and artefacts. The museum is open daily. Northam is located approximately 100 km east of Perth.
Pemberton Tramway Company
The Pemberton Tramway Company operates a diesel tram over a 10 km route from Pemberton to Warren River Bridge and return, along the former Pemberton to Northcliffe railway line. It is a scenic journey that crosses bridges and traverses tall forests. Trams operate on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, with Sunday services during some school holidays. At its Pemberton depot the company has a collection of steam and diesel locomotives and various items of rolling stock. Pemberton is located approximately 330 km south of Perth.
Perth Electric Tramway Society
The Perth Electric Tramway Society operates heritage electric tramcars at Whiteman Park, located in north-east Perth. Trams run over 4 km of track between Whiteman Village, Mussel Pool picnic area and Whiteman Village Junction railway station. The society has a collection of over 20 trams from Perth, Fremantle, Kalgoorlie, Melbourne, Ballarat, Brisbane and Adelaide. Trams operate on Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, with daily services during school holidays. Whiteman Park is located approximately 20 km north-east of Perth.
Pilbara Railways Historical Society
Pilbara Railways Historical Society aims to preserve items representing the heavy haul railways of the Pilbara region. It operates the 6 Mile Museum in Karratha, containing a collection of locomotives and rolling stock. Visits can be made by appointment. Karratha is located approximately 1550 km north of Perth.
Rail Heritage WA
Rail Heritage WA was formerly known as the Australian Railway Historical Society, Western Australia Division. Activities of Rail Heritage WA include operating the Bassendean Railway Museum and the South West Rail and Heritage Centre, restoring heritage railway vehicles and equipment, maintaining a railway archive, publishing books and producing The Westland, a quarterly magazine featuring aspects of railways in Western Australia.
Revolutions Transport Museum
Revolutions Transport Museum is located at Whiteman Park, located in north-east Perth. It has a range of exhibits relating to various modes of land transport heritage. Railway and tramway exhibits include a former Western Australian Government Railways carriage and a former Kalgoorlie tramcar. It is open daily except Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Whiteman Park is located approximately 20 km north-east of Perth.
Rottnest Island Railway
Rottnest Island Railway uses a railcar built in 2003 to transport passengers over the 6.3 km railway from Settlement railway station to Oliver Hill and return. Trains operate daily and trips can include a guided tour of the gun batteries at Oliver Hill. Rottnest Island is 11 km long and is located 18 km west of Fremantle. Ferries operate from Fremantle, Perth and Hillarys Boat Harbour in north Perth.
South West Rail and Heritage Centre
South West Rail and Heritage Centre is operated by Rail Heritage WA. It has a collection of items regarding the railway and agricultural history of south-west Western Australia, which are housed in a former railway goods shed and part of a rebuilt roundhouse. Exhibits include steam and diesel locomotives and historic rolling stock. The centre is open on the fourth Sunday of each month, with other open days at various times. It is located at Boyanup, approximately 190 km south of Perth.
Walkaway Station Museum
Walkaway Station Museum is housed within the former Walkaway railway station, which closed in 1966. Exhibits include a former Midland Railway Company B Class steam locomotive, a former Western Australian Government Railways O Class steam locomotive, photographs, documents and other items. The museum is open from Tuesdays to Sundays. Walkaway is located approximately 400 km north of Perth.
Yarloop Workshops
Yarloop Workshops previously operated a museum and workshops that were open to visitors. Exhibits included displays regarding the timber industry, railways and industrial steam engines. The complex was destroyed by bushfire in 2016, but the Management Committee hopes to rebuild in the future. Yarloop is located approximately 120 km south of Perth.