Railways and Tramways of Australia
Western Australia

Up and Down Prospector services at Merredin, 30 April 2014. Photo: JarrahTree, Wikimedia Commons.
Transwa operates various long-distance train services in Western Australia. In addition to train services, Transwa operates long-distance coach services within the state. Long-distance train services in Western Australia operate from Perth to Kalgoorlie, Merredin, Northam and Bunbury. There are no scheduled overnight train services, with the exception of Journey Beyond Rail's Indian Pacific that operates in Western Australia during part of its interstate journey between Perth and Sydney. Long-distance trains operate on standard gauge railway lines, with the exception of the Australind, which operates on narrow gauge. Standard gauge services in Perth originate and terminate at East Perth Terminal station. Australind services in Perth originate and terminate Perth station. The Australind is not currently operating but is expected to resume in 2025.
The Prospector runs between East Perth Terminal and Kalgoorlie in each direction twice daily on Mondays and Fridays, and once daily on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Construction of the railway between Perth and Kalgoorlie was completed in 1894. Prospector services consist of Diesel Multiple Unit railcars with yellow cab moulding on the ends. It is named after the gold prospectors that established the town in the 1890s. The total distance of the rail journey between Perth and Kalgoorlie is 655 km.
The MerredinLink runs between East Perth Terminal and Merredin once on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, with a return service in the afternoon. It is formed by a single two-car Diesel Multiple Unit railcar with olive green cab moulding on the ends, which operates the outward journey and then forms the return service. The total distance of the rail journey between Perth and Merredin is 284 km.
The AvonLink runs between Northam and Midland once on weekday mornings, with a return service in the evenings. Like the MerredinLink, it is formed by a single two-car Diesel Multiple Unit railcar with olive green cab moulding on the ends. One train set operates all AvonLink and MerredinLink services. The total distance of the rail journey between Northam and Midland is 104 km.
The Australind runs between Perth and Bunbury in each direction twice daily. One train set operates all services. Construction of the railway between Perth and Bunbury was completed in 1893. Australind services consist of Diesel Multiple Unit railcars with white cab moulding on the ends, and operate with three or four carriages. The total distance of the rail journey between Perth and Bunbury is 183 km. The Australind is not currently operating but is expected to resume in 2025.