Railways and Tramways of Australia
Tourist and Heritage Railways, Tramways and Museums

NA Class locomotive 8A attaching to Puffing Billy train, Belgrave, Victoria, 16 January 2017.
Australia has numerous tourist and heritage railways and tramways. Some of these provide daily services, but most only operate on a number of designated running days throughout the year. Railway and tramway museums exist in all states, again with varied opening days. Many railway and tramway enthusiast groups are locally-based, with a focus on a particular line or museum. Others are state-wide or national organisations.
Most of Australia’s tourist and heritage railways and tramways, along with museums and enthusiast organisations, are described. Also included are some museums and tourist railways that are currently under development, but have not opened to the public. The listings provide a brief introduction, with further details available on the websites indicated.
Main line rail tours are operated by several organisations, with details and booking arrangements found on websites. Within New South Wales main line tours are operated by the Transport Heritage NSW, the Picnic Train, East Coast Heritage Rail and the Lachlan Valley Railway, with some tours by Vintage Rail Journeys. The Rail Motor Society has rail motors that are frequently hired by various organisations for tours, some of which are open to the public. Victorian main line tours are operated by Steamrail Victoria, Seymour Rail Heritage Centre, Diesel Electric Rail Motor Preservation Association of Victoria and 707 Operations. Other organisations and individuals operate main line tours on occasions.
Distances from capital cities to locations with tourist and heritage railways, tramways and museums are for travel by major roads..
Links to national organisations, and to tourist and heritage railways in Australian states and territories, are below.
New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory