Railways and Tramways of Australia
T Class

T385, Waterfall, New South Wales, 11 April 2009.
Road numbers:
T345, T363, T369, T371, T373, T376–7, T381, T383, T385–6, T388, T390, T392, T399, T402, T404, T408–9, T414
Gemco Rail (T383); Ettamogah Rail Hub (T388, T390, T399, T402, T408–9); Pacific National (T371, T392); Southern Shorthaul Railroad (T363, T381, T385–6, T388); SCT Logistics (T345, T414); Watco Australia (T369, T373, T376–7, T387, T404)
1435 mm; 1600 mm
Year of entry into service:
Number built:
G8 (T320–46, T413); G8B (T347–98, T414); G18B (T399–412)
Clyde Engineering
Manufacturing location:
Granville, NSW
EMD 567CR (T320–98, T413–4); EMD 645E (T399–412)
Traction power:
652 kW (T320–98, T413–4); 746 kW (T399–412)
Wheel arrangement:
69.1 t
13.6 m (T320–46, T413–4); 12.4 m (T347–412)
A total of 94 T Class locomotives entered service with Victorian Railways from 1955 until 1969. There were three different series, each using a slightly different body. The first series (T320–46, T413) became known as flat tops because the top of the cab was flush with the rest of the roof; the second series (T347–66) had raised cabs to provide improved vision; and the third series (T367–412) had lower short hoods, which enabled even greater visibility for the crew. T413 was purchased second-hand from Australian Portland Cement and added to the first series. Units T399–412 were equipped with more powerful engines than earlier deliveries. T414 first entered service as BHP unit DE02 in 1956. It was rebuilt and renumbered as a member of the T Class in 2005–06. The T Class units were used extensively for branch line and shunting work. A number continue in service with a range of operators.